An intro to Will Dods

Introducing Chef Will Dods. Kitchen Takeover’s Head Chef who is joining us alongside Executive Chef, Shane Yardley, for our upcoming 5 course Brazilian Degustation – Christmas Carnaval.

Boasting over 17 years of experience across top wineries, luxury lodges, and restaurants in New Zealand and Australia, Will’s passion for culinary craft was ignited under 4-rosette Chef Simon Green, leading to a career highlight at Shannon Bennett’s Vue de Monde in Melbourne.

Will is a chef of few words, subscribing to the belief that you are only as good as your last service and firmly following Gordon Ramsay’s mantra of “let your food do the talking.”

Photo by Jamie Troughton/Dscribe Media Services

We managed to catch Will out of the kitchen for a moment to ask him a few quick fire culinary questions.

What is your ultimate comfort food?

“You can’t go wrong with a good lasagne, but if I’m being honest a good ol’ classic bacon butty. Crispy bacon on white bread slathered in butter with tomato sauce of course.”

What is your favourite restaurant in New Zealand?

Pacifica in Napier. Jeremy Rameka is an incredible born and bred Kiwi chef that uses a lot of New Zealand flavours and knows how to use them well.”

Do you have a cooking hack for us?

“Don’t be afraid of salt. Salt enhances flavour, pepper changes it.”

What item in your kitchen can you not live without?

“That is a hard one, but if I had to pick one thing my knife kit as you can’t do anything without a sharp knife.”




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